Product Designer
Skills: Design Thinking, Rapid Prototyping
MunchAt is an online social media platform meant for users to share their food experiences with friends. They also get personalised food recommendations. My role in the team was to do user research, and design user interfaces and user experience for the app. I also had to work with an engineer in the creation of the app.

Multiple sketches were made to help brainstorm the user experience for the app. We conducted multiple market surveys as well to identify user mentality and key features that they would want in the app. We communicated with the engineer as well to ensure feasibility of the design.
A lo-fi product was made for user testing and we conducted interviews on target users. Through observation of user behaviour and user intentions, we refined the app multiple times.
Much emphasis was placed on trying to capture the relationship that people have with food, and the goal was to capture as much of that emotion in the device interaction as possible.

After multiple iterations, we identified the key features required for the app and the best possible layout for our MVP.